People and Product, it's that simple.
Getting together, forgetting differences, and enjoying a meal,
create some of life's greatest moments. If I can bring even
the smallest amount of joy to your day I have done my job!

When can I eat?
Now open every Wednesday-Friday
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Show me the meats!
The overview of what I have to offer every week, keep an eye on social media for potential specials!
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Did someone say party?
Available for pickup every Wednesday-Friday. Preorders must be at least one week in advance. Please use the email below to order.

Dishwasher, Owner, and everything between
My whole life I have loved to create, to create and be joyful. Whether I was dreaming up new characters to draw, making a meal with an ingredient I've never used, or crafting a spaceship with leftover Lego pieces, it was creation and happiness at the core of what drove me. Those are the same values I bring to Happy Face Barbecue. Being able to create consistent, fulfilling meals, in a fun and positive atmosphere is my goal. I can't wait to see you at one of my events, your support means the world!